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Middle School

The Senior Primary Phase


“Middle school is tough, spanning the
early teen years, when many learners are
struggling to figure out “who they are”
and trying to understand one another.”

Middle School – The Senior Primary Phase: Grades 4-7


Middle school is also a bridge, helping learners make the transition from
elementary school to high school.

To successfully navigate this bridge, learners need to cultivate a set of good
academic habits (and personality traits) if they are to cope with and succeed
in high school and beyond. Riverside Private School (RPS) is geared to foster
these future-proofing qualities by helping to build:

- curiosity and higher-level thinking processes (the foundation on which all learning, enquiry and research is built)
- grit (which sums up the qualities of perseverance, determination, application), and
- academic independence (including being able to do one’s homework and
study independently, without the need for constant supervision)
- a collaborative mindset (essential for productively working with and
alongside others to achieve better outcomes for all concerned).


  • English First Language

  • Afrikaans Second Language

  • German Foreign Language

  • Mathematics

  • Social Studies

  • Natural Science and Health Education

  • Chess

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