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Riverside Private School Swakopmund

Junior Secondary


“These first two years of secondary education offer
the best chance to consolidate basic skills and
steady the ship for academically at-risk learners.”

Junior Secondary Phase – Grades 8 and 9


At RPS, our objectives in the Junior Secondary Phase are:
1. To consolidate the foundational skills and knowledge taught in the Primary Phase, then comprehensively prepare our learners for the academic and intellectual challenges of the final school phases and beyond.


“The Junior Secondary Phase also marks a time of profound
physical and social transition for most learners –adolescence.”

At RPS can count on the empathy and support of our cadre of professional and highly skilled teachers, most with vast experience in accompanying learners on this most challenging of personal journeys.


  • English First Language

  • Afrikaans Second Language / German Foreign Language

  • Mathematics

  • Physical Science

  • Life Science

  • Geography

  • History

  • Computer Studies

  • Accounting

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